
Top 100 Interview Questions for Civil Engineer or QC Civil Inspector | ARAMCO Standards

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Q1. What are the minimum concrete cylinders should be cast for each set to be tested for compression strength as per Saudi Aram co standard? ( 4 )

Q2. What is the maximum allowable fresh concrete temperature until used as per Saudi  Aramco standard? ( 32 OC )

Q3. What are the requirements of water to be used for curing concrete specimens as per ASTM specification? (SWEET WATER , MAX TDS =1000 ppm)

Q4. In what temperature range should concrete specimen be cured as per ASTM specification? (23 +- 2_ OC)
Q5. At what age concrete cylinders should be tested for Saudi Aram co projects? (3,7,28 Days)

Q6. How frequent shall concrete capping material is tested? (Every lot should be tested)

Q7.How many minutes does it take to complete temperature measurement after obtaining sample? (2-1/2 Minute)             

Q8. The molding of strength test specimens shall begin within ( 15 min )minutes after fabricating the composite sample.

Q9. The slump test is filled in ( 3 ) layers. And each layer shall be rod for ( 25 strokes).

Q10. The diameter of standard tamping rod casting six inches diameter cylinder is 5/8" (16mm) and its length approximately is 24"(600mm)                               .
Q11. How many seconds does ASTM specifies to remove the slump cone? ( 5 +- 2 sec)

Q12. The number of blows, layers, and size of proctor molds depends on ( Gradation ) of soil?

Q13. How many layers do you apply during standard proctor compaction?  

A: (Mold dia 4" 3 layers, 25 Blows/layer
B: Mold dia 6" 3 Layers, 56 blows/layer

Q14. How many layers does the modified proctor consist of? ( 5 Layers ( 56 Blows )

Q15. How many points (as minimum) does modified proctor test should be consisted of? Minimum (4  Points), Preferred 5 Point.

Q16. How many hours should CBR samples be soaked? (  96 Hrs  )

Q17. What sieve size do you need to obtain a sample for liquid/plastic limits?  (  # 40  )

Q18. At what temperature do you dry soil sample that is prepared for gradation only? (110 + 5 0C)
Q19. Briefly explain how to prepare a soil sample for gradation?
       a: Quartering the sample
       b: Keep the sample in oven for dry at 110 + 5 degree centigrade
      c: Sieve the material on specified meshes and note the retained weight on each sieve.
      d: Calculate the percent passing for each sieve.

Q20. At what sieve size do you wash soil sample in order to determine the % of fine materials?
( # 200 ) sieve.

Q21. What are the Safety equipment do you need when you perform field density test using nuclear gauges? ( TLD, 3 meter away from Nuclear )

Q22. Briefly describe how to conduct field density test using a nuclear gauge?
·         Take standard count for density and moisture to confirms the counts as per calibration Certificate
·         Select the location at least 10 meter away from structure and make hole by rod minimum 2'' more deeper the testing depth.
·         Keep the Nuclear at hole in position so that the soil not disturbed by rod.
·         Check DD, moisture content and percentage compaction.

Q23. Briefly describe how to run CBR test as per ASTM procedures (compaction and penetration)?
Prepare 3 specimen molds for compaction as follow:
10-Blows                  5 Layers
25-Blows                       ''
56-Blows                       ''

After compaction soak the specimen for 96 Hrs, drain for 15 minute after soaking and crush taking reading @ 1", 2" penetration.

Q24. What is the minimum weight of fine aggregate for sieve analysis as per ASTM C136?
300 g

Q25. After the soundness cycles, what sieve sizes do you use to determine fine aggregate loss?
              a. # 4''     b. # 1/4''      c. 5/16''     d. ( In the same sieve on which it was retained before the test.)

Q26. After the soundness cycles, what sieve sizes do you use to determine coarse aggregate loss?
        a. # 4''         b. # 1/4''         c. # 5/16''      d. (depends on aggregate fraction size.)

                 Passing             Retain                        Washing
                 2 1/2''                1/2''                             # 1 1/4''
                 1/2''                    3/4''                             # 5/8''
                 3/4''                    3/8''                             # 5/16''
                 3/8''                    # 4''                             # 5
      For fine than same size will be used.

Q27. What is the minimum weight of coarse aggregate for sieve analysis as per ASTM C 136?
                     Size                         Kg
                      2''                           20
                      1 1/2''                     15
                      1''                           10
                      3/4''                         5
                      1/2''                         2
                      3/8''                         1    
        a. 2000g                             b. 100g                                     c.  1000g
        d. 1500g                             e. (Depend upon the maximum aggregate size) .

Q28. How many cycles are there for soundness test? ( 5 cycles )

Q29. What is the ASTM specified reading requirement of specific gravity of soundness solution?                     (  MgSo4 ___>  1.295 __ 1.308 )

Q30. What type of solution shall be used to perform soundness test as per Saudi Aram co requirements?  (MgSo4, Sodium Sulphate )

Q31. Clay lump samples shall be soaked for:
a.   12 +/- 4 hours.     b.   300g         c.    ( 24 +/- 4 hours )      d.   48 +/- 4 hours.

Q32. To prepare Clay Lump fraction as per ASTM C 142, the mass of aggregate should be:
a. 500g          b.  300g          c.  10,000g          d.  (Depends on the aggregate)

Q33. Prior running liquid limit, you should place the prepare material in its mixing dish and cover to prevent moisture loss for at least (16 ) hours.

Q34. Explain in brief how you perform Maximum Index Density and Unit weight of soil using a Vibrating Table (using wet method)?
       1. Take Minimum density loose
       2. Keep mold on vibrating table surcharge weight on it
       3. Remove water from top of mold with sponge.
4. Sample should be in SSD condition.

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